


Meet Roos, our somatic, dance and yoga teacher and our social media manager.

‘After the completion of my bachelors in Dance Education, I’ve dedicated my research into analyzing the use of dance as a tool to unravel unconscious behaviors, fostering the direct integration and embodiment of new behaviors. My work revolves around finding a balance between free expression and analyzing our movements, ultimately creating a deeper understanding within ourselves. I believe that effecting change within one individual can create a ripple effect throughout the entire .

With my background in teaching, performing and creating, my main focus is offering movement as a tool to raise awareness and understanding. At the core of my approach lies a synthesis of Somatics, Performance, Psychosocial Aspects, and Improvisation. My aim extends beyond the creative space, integrating these principles into daily life and relationships. In classes, I foster curiosity, authenticity, and exploration, encouraging individuals to explore subconscious behaviors for collective awareness.

Empathy, kinesthetic awareness, and collective consciousness are the pillars of my methodology, promoting personal expression and equality. I view movement and art as gateways to individual and collective growth, creating spaces that encourage dialogue through artistic expression and movement.’

Roos offers:
Somatic Movement Meditation – Yoga – Contact Improvisation – Authentic Movement